Private Stormwater Management Facilities

Private Stormwater Management Facilities (PSWMF) are privately owned post-construction stormwater best management practices (BMPs). These are designed and engineered to store and/or treat stormwater by mimicking pre-development runoff rates and reducing the potential for common pollutants to enter our waterways. BMPs are required to be built or installed during construction when certain parameters are met during the development design process.

As of April 12, 2020, CCG will require development to implement Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development BMPs to reduce runoff. By reducing runoff, the water can be better used to mimic natural processes and increase green space. Processes such as infiltration and evapotranspiration can help protect water quality and reduce runoff to assist with flood protection.

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Inspection, Maintenance, and Reporting Requirements

As the owner or operator of a PSWMF, it is imperative to understand the importance of the BMP and your obligation to inspect, maintain, and report on the practice to assure its continued proper function. More information on each BMP can be found in the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual.

Georgia Stormwater Management Manual

Inspection, Maintenance, and Reporting Requirements

Owners of PSWMF are required to submit an Annual Compliance Report to CCG. To submit a complete Annual Compliance Report you must:

  • Perform one inspection between January – June and one inspection between July – December
    • A separate form must be filled out for each individual BMP
    • Multiple electronically date-stamped color photos of each BMP must be included. The date must be the same as the Inspection.
  • Provide one proof of maintenance per year per BMP. This can be before and after photos or receipts
  • Submit digitally to by January 31st of the following year.

Operations & Maintenance Manuals

The Engineering Department is now requiring an Operations & Maintenance Manual for post-construction stormwater BMPs to be submitted during the site development process to explain in detail the requirements for keeping your facility in compliance. Facilities existing prior to the ordinance may not have an Operations & Maintenance Manual. More information regarding keeping your facility in compliance and inspection forms can be found in the following documents and forms.