
Enterprise Zone

Established to revitalize the area's residential neighborhoods, while creating and retaining jobs for residents. Business and residential developments which plan to invest in this area, are given special state and local tax incentives and possibly other fee exemptions.

Opportunity Zone Program

The Opportunity Zone Program was adopted in 2015 to provide an incentive to businesses and developers to create jobs within the boundaries of a designated Opportunity Zone

Overlay Districts

Overlay Districts promote and enhance the aesthetic qualities of development within the arterial road corridors through the implementation of land use regulations, and within which amenity features are encouraged.

Tax Allocation Districts

Tax Allocation Districts (TAD) are established for the purpose of catalyzing investment by financing certain redevelopment activities in underdeveloped or blighted areas using public dollars. Redevelopment costs are financed through the pledge of future incremental increases in property taxes generated by the resulting new development. Typically, upon ceration, TADs have vacant commercial and residential properties, blighted conditions and numerous vacant buildings or are in need of significant enviornmental remediation.