420 10th Street Columbus, Georgia 31901 Phone: 706-225-4116
Wednesday February 12, 2025
The purpose of this meeting is to inform you about and gather input on the project. We will show and explain the proposed layout of the Lakebottom Park Trail to Fall Line Trace Trail Connector.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at 4:00 PM
Location: St. Paul Church2101 Wildwood AveColumbus, GA 31906
Friday January 10, 2025
The purpose of this meeting is to inform you about and gather input on the project. We will show the location of the proposed corridor improvements and what it encompasses. This meeting will take place Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at the St. Mark UMC Activity Center 4PM - 6PM.
Friday December 20, 2024
All interested residents are welcomed to attend a public meeting regarding proposed intersection improvements at the junction of 17th St, 13th Ave and Linwood Blvd. This meeting will be held at Gallops Senior Center (1212 15th St Columbus, GA) January 15, 2025 at 4:00PM - 6:00PM.
For more information contact the Columbus Planning Department at 706-653-4421
Tuesday November 19, 2024
Youtube Video
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization (C-PCTS MPO) has developed the draft update to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for C-PCTS MPO region. The C-PCTS MPO study area includes all of the City of Columbus/Muscogee County, Chattahoochee County, Fort Moore, and a portion of Harris County in Georgia plus the City of Phenix City, the City of Smiths Station, and parts of Lee and Russell Counties in Alabama.
For more information you may view the announcement here »
You may also view the draft and final documents directly here »
Tuesday July 09, 2024
The Final 2025 UPWP (Unified Planning Work Program) for the Columbus-Phenix City Metropolitan Organization has been approved and is available for review at the link below
Final 2025 UPWP
Tuesday June 25, 2024
The Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) is requesting review and feedback on the proposed project. We appreciate your participation in this process.
This project proposes to install a multi-lane roundabout at the intersection of State Route (SR) 22/US 80/Beaver Run Road at SR 22 Spur/Macon Road (SR 22 Spur). The proposed project is anticipated to reduce crash frequency and severity.
Georgia DOT has placed information about the proposed project at http://www.dot.ga.gov/AboutGDOT/PublicOutreach. The information on the website is provided in place of an in-person meeting, allowing the public to review the proposed project, provide feedback, or write in with questions.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information: To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities contact the district planning and programming liaison, Harland Smith, at hasmith@dot.ga.gov or 706-741-3613.
Comments will be accepted concerning this project until Friday, July 19, 2024. Written statements may be submitted to:
Mr. Eric Duff State Environmental Administrator Georgia Department of Transportation 600 West Peachtree Street, NW – 16th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Thursday June 20, 2024
The Fall Line Trace Trail Improvements project is a signage and amenities enhancement plan to bring the decade-old Fall Line Trace rail trail up to modern day trail standards and match the adopted Dragonfly Trails brand. The RTP grant will provide funding support for updated signage, surface markings, trailhead enhancements, and infrastructure improvements that will make the 10.5-mile Fall Line Trace safer and improve user experience for the 170,000+ annual trail users.
For more information and to see the proposed plan click here.
Please direct all comments to CPCMPO@Columbusga.org
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is developed by CPCTS MPO every five years to provide a comprehensive framework for transportation planning and investment in the Columbus-Phenix City region. The MTP will address all modes of transportation, including walking, biking, transit, freight, and driving, to determine how to achieve the region’s goals over a planning horizon of 20 years or more. This process will result in a prioritized list of projects that improves mobility and access for people and goods.
For more information visit https://planningatpond.com/columbus-phenix-city-mtp
The Columbus-Phenix City Metropolitan Planning Organization is now accepting comments regarding an application for a Fall Line Trace Trail extension using Y230 (urban attributable) Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds; this comment period will last 30 days. View the application with more information ». Please send all comments to CPCMPO@Columbusga.org
The Georgia Department of Transportation has authorized a number of federally funded transportation projects for Fiscal Year 2022. For more information and a list of these projects, please click here.
The Columbus-Phenix City Metropolitan Planning Organization has announced a number of TIP (Transportation Improvement Plan) projects for Fiscal Year 2022 for the Alabama portion of the metropolitan area. You may view a list of the projects with additional information here
The Columbus-Phenix City Metropolitan Planning Organization has published a revised annual listing of obligated projects. The purpose of this report is to provide a list of federal highway and transit funded projects obligated in the previous fiscal year. A project is considered obligated when a funding contract has been completed, or a grant has been awarded. The report includes all projects in Alabama within the City of Phenix City, the City of Smiths Station, and parts of Lee and Russell Counties obligated in fiscal year 2022, which ran from October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022.
CPC-MPO Annual Listing of Obligated Projects | FY 2022
The Draft 2024-2027 Transportation Improvment Program is now available for review and comment. Please submit any comments to Ltemples@columbusga.org within the next 30 days.
The CPC-MPO 2023-2026 Public Participation Plan is now available for review and comment. Please submit any comments to mixen.michael@columbusga.org within the next 30 days.
The process of updating the 5-year community work program of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Columbus has begun, and this is your invitation to have input! The City has held three public meetings in three various areas of Columbus. The fourth meeting will be held at the Planning Advisory Commission on September 20, 2023, at 9 AM in the Council Chamber of the Citizen Service Center. This will be the first meeting presenting the new Community Work Program.
The proposed Tax Allocation District #8 is intended to support the development of two vital projects for the South Columbus River District: the River District Resort and Elliott's Walk. The River District Resort is proposed on two large vacant parcels consisting of approximately 144 acres located to the east of the Chattahoochee River and the west of Bull Creek. Elliott's Walk is proposed as an affordable housing development on approximately 38 acres. The proposed TAD #8 will support the development of the River District Resort into a major mixed-use commercial and residential development and the Elliott's Walk development will create approximately 100 affordable housing units.
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study – Metropolitan Planning Organization (C-PCTS-MPO) is conducting a competitive project selection process to award expected FY 2023-2024 Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program Urban Attributable (Y230) funds, provided through the act entitled Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Please refer to the Application's Call For Projects page for more information.
The purpose of the proposed TAD #7 is to support development of the planned Midland Commons mixed use commercial development on the former site of the Swift denim plant and to leverage economic opportunities at the intersection of J.R. Allen Parkway (Highway 80) and Manchester Expressway (Alt 27) in Columbus, GA. The TAD district also includes Flat Rock Park and surrounding greenspace including a future bike trail.
Midland Commons District #7
Columbus Consolidated Government Redevelopment Plan
Attachments, comparisons, and concept drawing
Steam Mill Road Improvements Project
Date: Monday, October 23, 2023
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: Columbus Baptist Association 3679 Steam Mill Road
View the options and provide feedback in person or on the project website:
Questions or Concerns? Donna Newman, Director of Engineering 706-225-4441 engineeringdept@columbusga.org
The redevelopment area described in this Plan includes nearly 8,500 properties covering roughly 3,250 acres (within individual tax parcels). The significant factors regarding this area are: (a) it contains more than 19.3 million SF of buildings with a total full market value of more than $1.25 billion; (b) the area as a whole includes more than 10% of the Consolidated Government’s total tax digest; (c) despite the fact that the redevelopment area is one of the most densely developed parts of Columbus, property values are relatively low, with full market values averaging $384,000 per developed acre; (d) residentially zoned properties in particular have very low average market values, averaging below $71,600 per parcel; and (e) general fund property tax collections from real estate within this area averages only $3,900 per acre. Substantial portions of the redevelopment area clearly exhibit several characteristics of disinvestment and under-utilization, which are prerequisite to the establishment of Tax Allocation Districts.
MidTown East and MidTown West
This notice is issued to inform the public of a receipt of an application for a variance submitted pursuant to a state environmental Law. The public is invited to comment during the 30-day period on the proposed activity. The application is for the proposed project involving construction of a multi-use trail (Dragonfly Trail Phase I) which aims to connect 16th Street with an existing trail in the city of Columbus, Muscogee County. Land disturbance within the buffer of Weracoba Creek consists of concrete path construction which totals 189 square feet along 35 linear feet. The project is located within the Middle Chattahoochee Watershed (03130003) and impacted areas will be restored to the extent practicable upon completion of the project. *For more information see complete notice here*
The purpose of the proposed TAD #1 is to support development of the planned Benning Technology Park, a proposed business park which is being designed to leverage economic opportunities created by the presence of Fort Benning in Muscogee County. The proposed 183-acre development site is located between 1-185 and Fort Benning and owned by the Development Authority of Columbus. Planned interchange improvements to 1-185 to the north and south of this property will, for the first time, make this area accessible for development. The TAD will enable the Technology Park's master developer to overcome deficient infrastructure, inadequate access, off-site costs and other impediments which have made development of this property economically unfeasible to date. By leveraging the City's redevelopment powers, the intent of this plan is to achieve a higher quality, density of development and resulting increased job creation in a much shorter timeline, than would be feasible absent of the proposed TAD #1.
Fort Benning Technology Park
In total, the proposed three TADs contain 1,975 parcels totaling just under 846 acres, with a taxable real estate digest of $106 million. There are 1,056 existing structures with a combined 9 million square feet of building space in the three TADs with a median building age of nearly 93 years. This acreage estimate does not include streets, rights of way and other land for which no assessment records are available.
Together, the value of the properties in the TADs represents approximately 2.4% of the City's tax digest, well under the 10% maximum limit for all TADs in the City, as required by Georgia's Redevelopment Powers Law.
The City of Columbus River District Redevelopment Plan env1s1ons various potential redevelopment within the three TADs areas that reflect community objectives as the type of development they would like to see in the respective areas over the next decade.
River District Redevelopment Plan
Liberty District Master Plan
Will Johnson Planning Director wjohnson@columbusga.org (706) 225-4116
Felton Grant Right-of-Way Coordinator fgrant@columbusga.org (706) 225-3939
Bailey Borkat Senior Transportation Planner Borkat.Bailey@columbusga.org (706) 225-3938
Michael Mixen Senior Transportation Planner mixen.michael@columbusga.org (706) 225-3934
David Cooper GIS Technician dcooper@columbusga.org (706) 225-3976
LaGranita Davis Administration Assistant davis.lagranita@columbusga.org (706) 225-3935
John Renfroe Assistant Planning Director jrenfroe@columbusga.org (706) 225-3937
Rex Wilkinson Senior Planner wilkinson.rex@columbusga.org (706) 225-3928
Morgan Shepard Principal Planner / Zoning Administrator shepard.morgan@columbusga.org (706) 225-3940
Claire Mitchell Historic Preservation Planner mitchell.claire@columbusga.org (706) 225-3941