
Mayor's Commission On Unity, Diversity, and Prosperity

Our Mission: As stated in the By-Laws the purpose of the Mayor's Commission on Unity, Diversity, and Prosperity is to create a community where every person is valued and presented with equal access to opportunities.

Commission Projects

Objective: During the height of the pandemic, communities found many ways to be divided. The commission found that many areas of division could be solved by recognizing diverse history and fostering community engagement around unity. The new focus prompted several projects centered around bringing the community together and addressing historical and social issues.

  • Partnership with Equal Justice initiative housed in Montgomery, Alabama to recognize and address historical lynchings and bring historical monuments honoring African-American History in the City of Columbus.
  • Continued partnership with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Dream Lives event - Each year we sought to further invigorate the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy to address the challenges of today. The Dream Lives is a signature event unifying the community and providing an opportunity to appropriately honor a man who gave his life in the quest for equality and prosperity for all. The Dream Lives event demonstrates through talent, presentations and speakers that the principles espoused by Dr. King still resonate today.