City Attorney

City Attorney

  The City Attorney provides legal advice to all elected and appointed officials and to all employees of the consolidated government on a daily basis. The City Attorney represents, in person or through a designee, said officials and employees in various court actions or administrative proceedings. The City Attorney prepares and supervises the preparation of the legislative agenda for the Columbus Council on a weekly basis and reviews contracts of the consolidated government to ensure proper legal form pursuant to the Columbus Charter. The City Attorney hires, trains, assigns, supervises, evaluates, and disciplines personnel and confers with and advises government clients concerning problems related to legal, administrative, and other established policies and procedures. The City Attorney performs other related duties as assigned.

The City Attorney for the Columbus Consolidated Government is Clifton Fay.

City Hall 1st floor
1111 1st Avenue
Columbus, GA 31901

Phone: : (706) 225-4025
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