Exemption Forms
Effective January 1, 2008 any (request for tax exemption) exemption application must be submitted between January 1 and April 1, inclusive, in the year for which the exemption is requested. This Board of Tax Assessors (BTA) policy does not effect exemptions or abatements subject to existing legislated (mandated) time boundaries (restrictions/limitations). Effective January 1, 2008 written application for tax exemptions or abatements must be submitted no sooner than January 1 and no later than April 1. This BTA policy does not effect exemptions or abatements subject to existing legislated (mandated) time boundaries (restrictions/limitations).
All appeals and returns (PT50P forms) must be filed in person or mailed. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF APPEALS or PT50P FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Deadline for returns is April 01, 2023. If you have questions regarding your business personal property please contact our staff at 706-225-4402.
Information and Links
Tax Assessors Organizational Chart » as of 9/13/2023
Scheduled Board Meetings - Every Monday at 9:00am except for holidays
Lula Huff is the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner
Muscogee County Real Estate Records - are maintained by the Clerk of Superior Court
Muscogee County Maps - are maintained by GIS Division of Information Technology
Columbus Board of Equalization - Independent of CCG and the Board of Tax Assessors
Columbus Council - Meets Tuesdays at the Citizens Service Center
State of Georgia Department of Revenue